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Program Description:
Steps to Success is a program designed as an out-of-school intervention model where bonds of trust are built between a student in crisis and a significant adult figure; the program youth worker. The objective with each participant is to understand their challenges and to empower them with the tools needed to build resilience, and prepare for a successful return to school. The program works on the issues the youth is experiencing through small group workshops, one-on-one meetings, and recommendations for continued success for the student's well-being and safety.
Delivered by Safe Schools and the YMCA, the program engages students in a 3 to 5 day workshop instead of at home suspensions. The youth focus on school work in the morning so they do not fall behind then attend various preventative workshops presented by district staff. Workshop topics, which vary depending on the reason for suspension, can include social-emotional learning, responsible digital citizenship, Internet safety and other related topics.
This program provides an alternative tool for school administration and increases a student’s personal growth, leadership abilities, motivation and self-worth.
Time: Sept - June
Location: BC Prep Academy
Contact: 604.595.6195 / stepstosuccess@surreyschools.ca
Partners: YMCA
Visit Program Department Page: Steps to Success

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