Policies & Procedures
Our Mission: At Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary School we work as a team to develop a positive, challenging environment which inspires all students to become responsible lifelong learners.
One of our school goals is to encourage student involvement and leadership in the Lord Tweedsmuir community. The main objective is to allow students to experience a variety of opportunities for involvement in school activities. An emphasis will be placed on learning effective communication and organization skills and fostering a positive attitude.
Consider getting involved with Student Leadership.
Location: Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary, a Grades 8-12 school, is located in Cloverdale (East 成人视频).
Brief History: In September 1993, staff and students from Cloverdale Junior Secondary and Lord Tweedsmuir Senior Secondary joined together to form Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary, and moved into the new building. Lord Tweedsmuir's name has been attached to a school in the Cloverdale area since 1940 when Canada's Governor General, John Buchan, Lord Tweedsmuir of Elsfield, died.
Enrollment: Over 1800 students are enrolled in the school and approximately 150 adults work here as teachers, teaching assistants, clerks, supervisory aides, custodians, cafeteria assistants and administration.
Timetable: Our school is on an extended day schedule with 5 blocks per day. 成人视频 take four courses during a five month semester. Each course meets every day. An academic grade 12 student may take one study block during the year.
Scholarship Preparatory Blocks (Study Block): 成人视频 in grade 12 may apply for a scholarship prep block if they satisfy the following criteria:
- will meet grad requirements
- are enrolled in enough subjects that a Study is considered necessary
- have special circumstances identified by counseling and/or Administration
成人视频 on study periods must:
- work in the library or a teacher’s classroom under supervision, or they must leave the school property.
- 成人视频 are not permitted to loiter in the hallways or in the parking lot during class time.
Public Address Announcements
Eye of the Panther is on Monday mornings. These news broadcasts will provide students with information regarding sports, social events and school procedures. Monday through Friday announcements will be read at the end of S.S.R.
Weekly Principal's Message. "This Week at Lord Tweedsmuir" - Principal's message is published on our website every Thursday. School and District news, special events, success stories, celebrations and upcoming events are shared with our community.
Monthly Newsletters
A monthly newsletter is posted on our school website on the dates indicated in this Student Agenda. This is the school’s main instrument in communicating with parents/guardians. Student achievement, awards, and activities are outlined in the newsletter. 成人视频 are requested to advise their parents to look at it on the school website or for families without a computer at home, copies can be made available upon request.
All visitors are required to report to the office upon arrival to receive authorization for their presence. Please do not invite friends to visit you here; meet them away from school property. Friends or visitors are not permitted to attend classes with students.
Office Phones
The school office phones can only be used with permission for emergencies or special needs.
Emergency Procedures/Fire Alarm/Drills
In the event of an emergency, an alarm bell will sound. Under the direction of the teacher, students are asked to leave the school promptly and quietly, using the nearest exit route. Your teacher will guide you. There is to be no running. Doors should be closed by the last student in line. At the assembly area, the teacher will take attendance. Should you not be in class when the alarm sounds, go directly outside and then find your class. Classes will be organized alphabetically by teacher's last name. Once outside, students must move well away from buildings and roadways onto the far area of the athletic field in order to permit the entrance of emergency vehicles. The "all clear" signal which directs students to return into the building is the sound of chimes, instead of the school bell. Please wait until your teacher directs you before you re-enter the building.
All classrooms contain specialized and sophisticated equipment. 成人视频 are not to use the equipment unless they are under the direct supervision of a teacher. While using the equipment, students must not abuse the equipment and must follow all safety regulations and procedures as outlined by their teacher.
Schools generally offer a range of programs that allow students to choose courses without materials fees. The school will provide the basic materials and resources necessary for students to meet the learning outcomes for each course. For some courses, workbooks may be purchased outright, but they may be provided on loan if necessary.
However, schools at the elementary and secondary level in the 成人视频 School District and in other districts in the province often charge fees related to courses or programs and extra-curricular activities such as field trips. These fees are meant to cover the costs of projects that enhance the learning experience for students if they choose them.
Under school board policy, every student receives all the learning resource materials they need, free of charge, as part of their basic education to meet graduation requirements. For example, a student in wood shop could pass the course by demonstrating his or her skills and knowledge by using scrap wood provided by the school to successfully form a wood joint or other technical test.
However, under 成人视频 School Board policy, secondary schools may charge students a fee for materials required to complete projects for personal use. As an example, some courses such as textiles or woodwork provide students with the option of using different or better quality materials which they may bring from home or purchase from the school at cost. Some courses also offer optional certification or external examinations for which there are charges. All field trips are optional. If you wish to discuss the implications that these charges may have on your son or daughter, please contact the Administration.
Student Activity Fee
All students are expected to pay a student fee of $20.00, which finances student activities. The Student Council, locks, Panther Time App and special events depend heavily on your financial support. You can help matters by paying your fees promptly at the beginning of the year.
Grad Fee
Grade 12 students are also expected to pay a $50.00 grad fee which covers the cost of the commencement ceremony.
If you are injured while participating in any school activity, you should notify your teacher immediately. All students should have their own medical and dental insurance. It is recommended that students participating on a sports team have medical and dental coverage. Information on private insurance will be distributed to students in the fall.
Medical Room/Illness
If you are ill and wish to use this facility, you must request the permission of the office. If you wish to go home due to illness you must report to the office. We must contact your parent/guardian to obtain permission to send you home. If you leave the school premises without checking in at the office we will assume that you are truant from school. 成人视频 are reminded that no medication is provided by the school.
Textbooks are issued and collected by subject teachers. Take care of your textbooks and do not loan them to your friends. Write your name in your textbook and make sure your teacher records the number. You must return your issued text in good condition or you will be charged in full the price of the textbook. All lost texts must be paid for in full.
Valuables And Personal Belongings/Instruments
To prevent possible loss or theft of personal items:
- Do not tell anyone your locker combination. Do not leave anything of value in your locker, or use a locker that is not your own.
- Lock your bicycle to the bicycle stand with a good lock.
- Do not bring anything of significant value to school.
- No jewelry worn during physical education. Please leave it at home.
- 成人视频 are responsible for the care and safety of all their personal belongings. (The school does not accept responsibility for lost or stolen items).
- The "Lost and Found" is located outside the Main Office. Bring any found item to the General Office or give to a P.E. teacher if it was found during P.E.
The staffrooms are designed for the use of teachers and support staff. Please respect the teachers' needs for a break and an undisturbed lunch time. Direct any inquiries to the office.
The goal of communicating student learning is to ensure that students take responsibility for engaging deeply in their learning, and that parents and caregivers are well-informed and equipped to support their child's learning.
Learning Updates and Summaries of Learning (report cards) are provided to parents four times a year during the formal reporting periods. These updates provide a record of student achievement and attendance, as well as descriptive feedback outlining the student's strengths, engagement, and next steps. It will also include information on how to access students' Core Competencies goal-setting and reflections. In grades 10-12, students will also receive a Graduation Status update to help them ensure they are meeting graduation requirements.
To represent student academic achievement, students in grades 8 and 9 will receive a Proficiency Scale Indicator as follows:
EMG - Emerging (initial understanding of concepts and competencies)
DEV - Developing (partial understanding of concepts and competencies)
PRF - Proficient (complete understanding of concepts and competencies)
EXT - Extending (sophisticated understanding of concepts and competencies)
成人视频 in grades 10-12 will receive a percentage and letter grade as follows:
86% - 100% A -Excellent
73% - 85% B -Very Good
67% - 72% C+ -Good
60% - 66% C -Satisfactory
50% - 59% C- -Minimally Acceptable
49% - 0% F -Failed
In exceptional circumstances, students may receive one of the following in place of a letter grade:
IE - Insufficient Evidence (student has not provided sufficient evidence of learning)
SG - Standing Granted (standing granted based on exceptional circumstances)
TS - Transfer Standing (standing granted based on records from another institution)
W - Withdrawal (student has withdrawn from the course)
In addition to the regular reports, informal interim updates are communicated home on a regular basis during the school year and can take the form of phone calls, emails, and documents sent home with students. Parents are also encouraged to initiate communication with teachers and counsellors if you require information or have concerns.
For more information on student reporting, please visit
Withdrawal from School
If you plan to withdraw from school, please see one of the counsellors or vice-principals. Before leaving, please clean out your locker, return your textbooks, library materials, etc., and pay outstanding obligations. A withdrawal form must be completed before leaving as other schools will not register a student without a withdrawal form from their previous school.
Conditions for Permission to Withdraw from a Course
Granted only by an administrator after review with Counselling Department and based on individual student need.
- 成人视频 have the right to a meaningful education, both in and out of the classroom, which inspires responsible, lifelong learning.
- 成人视频 have the right to a safe, positive and supportive environment which ensures their protection.
- 成人视频 have the right to be treated with respect regardless of gender, age, race, ability, religious or political beliefs or sexual orientation.
- 成人视频 have the right to voice their opinions in an appropriate and respectful manner without fear of punishment.
- 成人视频 have the responsibility to attend all classes and do the work assigned to the best of their ability.
- 成人视频 have the responsibility to refrain from any action or comment which would make others feel unsafe.
- 成人视频 have the responsibility to treat each other with respect, regardless of gender, age, race, ability, religious or political beliefs or sexual orientation.
- 成人视频 have the responsibility to help create, maintain, and be accountable for a positive, healthy environment for themselves and for others.
The effective management of student discipline is a necessity to establish safe and caring environments that foster student learning needs. Prevention and intervention strategies applied at the school level and supported at the district level are the foundations of a successful discipline program.
Responsibility for an effective discipline program is shared among many partners including the district, schools, students, parent/guardians, community groups, social agencies and the RCMP.
Serious Offenses
成人视频 must understand that serious breaches of the Code of Conduct will lead to serious consequences. Suspension from school may be expected for:
- Repeated interference with the learning and teaching process.
- Rudeness or willful disobedience to any school staff member.
- Physical or verbal abuse, fighting, assault, or harassment.
- Use or possession of illicit substances.